What is Performitiv? We sometimes get asked this so let's address the question here. Performitiv is learning measurement software that provides confidence and comfort to learning practitioners that need data to easily tell their story of impact while managing and improving program quality and effectiveness.
But let's also address this question by conveying what Performitiv is NOT. Performitiv is NOT an LMS. Performitiv can integrate with an LMS using secure and reliable APIs to pass data from the LMS to Performitiv to initiate the learning evaluation process. As a result, Performitiv can be administration-free and maintain data elements (course names, location names, participant demographics) that reside in the LMS and HRIS. Further, these data tags become filterable and comparable in Performitiv to help program managers understand impact and program quality.
Next, Performitiv is not a data visualization tool. But, Performitiv can pass data to these tools so that experts can do additional charting and analysis in these tools. Performitiv does come with a focused set of report suites that tactical folks like instructors and designers use real-time to understand quality. Another report suite is for program managers that need to analyze programs across courses, locations, modalities and facilitators and this is easily done with easy comparisons and filters. Performitiv has a third report suite that is for stakeholders or learning leaders and it is a scorecard showing goal-to-actual results from evaluations, competency assessments, LMS usage data, and business impact data (ex. sales, quality, productivity, etc). This tells the story of learning impact in a simple, configurable, goal-driven manner that charts trends of impact over time to identify where the learning added the most value. Performitiv also uses AI to generate insight cards where reporting is not needed at all because it manages by exception using algorithms to tell users statistically valid areas of positive and negative impact, including within comments!
Next, Performitiv is not a statistical reporting package. But, Performitiv can pass all kinds of data to such packages in any easy manner. From raw downloads to calculated data this is all exportable so statistical experts looking to do deeper analysis can easily utilize Performitiv data.
What about a learning records store (LRS) or data mart, is that Performitiv? Nope it is not meant to just store data from various systems, but Performitiv is meant to collect or import evaluation, assessment, usage and business metrics and then report them by attributes of learning (course, curricula, location, modality, etc.) and by participant demographic (job function, tenure, etc). in easy yet actionable ways.
Okay, so what is it exactly? Performitiv is modern, learning measurement software. Through our Impact Optimization Model and our technology we help organizations measure, communicate and improve their story of impact.
How is it different from an LMS, visualization data, statistical package or LRS or data mart? First, it can complement all of these tools with easy downloads and API connections. But most of all, unlike these other tools, Performitiv is measurement for the practitioner that needs ongoing data, reporting and analysis to tell their story of impact and measure program quality and effectiveness.
This means that outputs are intuitive and welcoming. Using Performitiv as an instructor, designer, program manager, stakeholder or learning leader will be engaging even if you don't like to use data. Performitiv auto-analyzes your data with a red-yellow-green output on each report suite so users that are not data-inclined or don't have time can easily spot what is doing well and what needs improvement. Most of all, Performitiv empowers these users to act on the data. They use the data all the time, to discuss impact, talk about improvements and show accountability for their programs. Performitiv makes telling their story of learning impact constructive and collaborative. Performitiv eliminates controversy and creates dialogue and transparency in reporting and results.
Want to learn more? Just ask. We can definitely explain what Performitiv is not but we'll be even happier to show you what Performitiv is and how it can help your L&D operation show value and optimization program impact.
Thank you,
The Performitiv Team